Transform Your Hair, Enhance Your Beauty.

Discover a new level of beauty with our hair transformations. Step into your most beautiful and confident self.

Therapeutic Massage

Guaranteed to unwind your mind, revive your senses, and soothe your soul


Our manicure and pedicure services are designed to pamper you from head to toe, leaving you feeling relaxed, refreshed, and confident.

We love your hair

At Rapunzel Hair Affair, we’re passionate about YOUR hair. Your hair is a part of your identity, and we believe every strand deserves love and attention.

Whether your hair is curly or straight, long or short, thick or fine, we know how to make it more beautiful.

Only natural products

We create stunning hairstyles using eco-friendly products that are gentle, nourish & strengthen your hair, and are kind to the environment.

With Rapunzel, you’ll get a salon experience that is as good for your hair as it is for your soul.

Professional stylists

We’ve got an unparalleled eye for detail and a passion for bringing out the beauty in every strand of hair.

Whether you’re looking for a classic cut, a bold new color, or a trendy updo, we will work with you to create a look that perfectly fits you.

From the moment you walk through our doors, you’ll be treated like the queen that you are.